Cassie, I can’t thank you enough for the fantastic placenta encapsulation service you gave us. I had read something about PE, and a girlfriend of mine in Australia said she was going to do it and reported great results, so I decided to do some research. After my first pregnancy, I had suffered with depression and felt incredibly fatigued as a new Mum, and wanted to try something natural to help prevent a recurrence with my second pregnancy. I found your site online and was impressed by the research referenced and decided to give it a go. Cassie, you were so accommodating, thorough and professional I felt completely at ease throughout the entire process from the first point of contact to meeting you when you personally delivered my capsules at the birthing centre. And they have been nothing short of amazing! My little boy is 3yo, I run my own business from home and even with the demands of a newborn and recovery from an emergency c-section delivery, I can not believe how much energy I have! I’ve had no depression, my milk supply has impressed even my midwife and my baby gained 480g her 3rd week! I am convinced it is all down to the capsules and I can not recommend your service highly enough, thank you!
Your placenta has nourished and grown your baby in utero, so why not take the opportunity to allow that nourishment to continue post birth? I'm so pleased that I researched placenta encapsulation and was able to book in with Heart of Life while I was pregnant to give our baby girl the best possible start to "life on the outside".
Her placenta was encapsulated and dropped off within 24hrs of her birth and the pills have not only helped to feed her precious nutrients but have also assisted me as a first-time Mum to deal with the incredible demands on my body that a newborn baby requires.
The two most common questions I get asked when telling people that I did this are:
"What do they taste like?"
My response is "just like taking Panadol - they taste like nothing!"
The second question is "is it worth it?"
My response "absolutely! It's a very small price to pay to ensure my baby is getting the best source of nutrition in the earliest stages of her life."
The additional mementos of the cord keepsake and the placenta prints are a unique reminder of the incredibly special organ that has provided life to my child.
I cannot recommend placenta encapsulation enough! With this being my 4th baby I can really vouch for it comparing this post-partum to the other 3. I skipped the baby blues, had crazy energy levels and my increased milk supply kept my big boy very happy. Thank you so much for this service. You were quick to pick up and quick to return with the pills. I have raved about this to friends and family. Keep it up!
I love the reactions I get when I told people my placenta plans. I am soo glad I got it done, didn't have a very good experience with our first child but this time around I feel fantastic. Have so much more energy, and can handle the tiredness so much better. The service was fantastic and they had the capsules back to me quick smart. I would do it again in a heart beat. Thanks so very much for providing this service. :-)
People thought I was crazy, but boy am I SO glad I did this!! No baby blues at all (and I'm a sooky bubba!) milk came in perfectly, bleeding was minimal a few days later & my energy levels were insane! Especially after being in labour for 2 days with no sleep!
I am so glad that I chose to get my placenta encapsulated. I don’t have anything to compare it to as this is my first baby but I am certain these capsules are the reason why I had the energy to get through the initial newborn stage with no baby blues or postnatal depression. Cassie provided amazing service, collecting my placenta the day I had my baby and dropping off the capsules the following day. Cassie managed to get more than the usual amount of capsules out of my placenta which allowed me to stop taking them when I felt everything had settled down with my baby and save a container for when baby was unsettled, or if I felt like I needed a ‘pick-me-up’ later on in the year! I have every intention of doing this again if I choose to have another baby. Thanks for everything Cassie!
Thanks heaps Cassie. I can't thank you enough for your outstanding service. You have made everything so simple at such a busy time. Very well done. Will definitely be recommending you to my friends.